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How to reach the people : Tell them what they're trying to forget!
It is obvious that society is not best pleased with the current govermental approach as there is constant friction between different classes. Bush is murdering innocent "terrorists", Blair is touring around the world like model looking for any photo shoot it can find. And Labour is eating up the money but not using it properly.

  He's eating up your money and giving nothing back NHS, Education, Police, Fire service, the rail service, all are now terrible and are meant to be being improved with higher taxes - but can you see the evidence.

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  Who's the terrorist now Bushy Palestines dying everyday due to ruthless Israeli armies. Maybe the Palestines aren't innocent but the Israelis definetly aren't, but Bush insists on supporting the Jews.

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  Politician or Publicity stunt?? How is Jack Straw meant to do his fucking job if Blair is out their for him? And why is he out there? Not to work : to get the "love" he wants from the camera.

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